Kimberly Harvel Kimberly Harvel

September 2023 Newsletter

The signs of the imminent return of our Lord are all around us! When will He return? Jesus states in Matt. 24:36: “But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but My Father only.”  Please pray for this soul winner that I will be leading people to faith in Him when He returns!

What great joy it is when I am blessed to serve alongside pastors who know my heart for spiritually lost souls! Pastor Brian Wilson of

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Greg Teffertiller Greg Teffertiller

Do You Fear God? (Part 10)

Another trait of the people of the Last Days is that they are unloving. The KJV says without natural affection. People who are unloving are heartless, without human emotion or love. (I see this trait in people who say they are called by Almighty God to preach this Book!) They have a lack of feeling for other people. Other people become little more than pawns for their own use and benefit, pleasure and purposes, excitement, and stimulation. Man has been created to be affectionate-to have affection for others. It is normal for a person to have affection for his family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, and to a certain extent for the stranger and fellow citizens of the world.

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Greg Teffertiller Greg Teffertiller

August 2023 Newsletter

Oh, the power of prayer! Oh, the prayer of power! Prayer still works! “Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know” (Jeremiah 33:3 NKJV).

Pastor David Williams is only in his tenth month of being the pastor of Trenton St. Baptist Church in Harriman, TN. He called me a few weeks ago to tell me that his Lord had spoken to him about bringing this soul winner there on July 30! He was obedient and his Lord did what only He could do! The Sunday morning message: Three Things in Hell That Should Be found In Every Church: Tears, Prayers, and A Concern for The Lost with the text: Luke 16:19-31.

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Greg Teffertiller Greg Teffertiller

Do You Fear God? (Part 9)

Another trait of the people of the Last Days is that they are unholy! Crude, rude, vile, and vulgar are words that describe the people of today, the people of the last days. Profane-No concern for the things of God. Indecent-No decency in their conduct and dress. Shameless – Never embarrassed over anything. Given over to the basest passions known to man. Two men having sex. Two women having sex. Two men getting

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Greg Teffertiller Greg Teffertiller

July 2023 Newsletter

In Matthew 13:45-46 the Lord Jesus states: “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking beautiful pearls, who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had and bought it.” The free gift of salvation is so very precious and valuable that people who have it are willing to give up all they have to possess it! Would you give up all that you own to experience salvation?

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Greg Teffertiller Greg Teffertiller

Do You Fear God? (Part 8)

Another trait of the people of the Last Days is that they are disobedient to their parents. The 5th of the Ten Commandments states: “Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the Lord your God is giving you” (Exodus 20:12). Disobedient: Refusing to do what one’s parents say; rebelling against one’s parents; showing disrespect to parents; rejecting parental instruction; dishonoring parental example. If a child will not honor and respect his mother and father, who will he respect? If a child mistreats his parents-

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