July 2023 Newsletter

In Matthew 13:45-46 the Lord Jesus states: “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking beautiful pearls, who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had and bought it.” The free gift of salvation is so very precious and valuable that people who have it are willing to give up all they have to possess it! Would you give up all that you own to experience salvation?

Being given the privilege to share the gospel with men who are in physical and spiritual bondage is a “gift within itself!” With all of my heart, thank you for praying passionately and urgently for me each Thursday morning as I share the glorious gospel message in the Jefferson County Jail in Dandridge, TN! From the time that I get out of bed each Thursday morning on through the day, I can truly feel your prayers as my Lord sends me into this very “dark place!” The devil really “pours all that he has” on me to prevent me from going in there (1 Peter 5:8-9)! The Gospel has never been bound by anything or anybody, including the devil, and it never ever will be (2 Tim. 2:9)! I see these men in the newspaper and on television and my Lord says to me: “Son, they are forgiven, but they still have to reap the consequences of their sins.” I just praise my Lord that they can and do ask for and receive the forgiveness and cleansing for their sins that only our precious Lord can give (1 John 1:7-9)! This is what the CROSS is all about (Romans 5:8-9)!

Sharing the gospel in a “spiritually dark place” reveals the “deep power of God” that one does not normally see in other places! My Lord has brought larger crowds of men to hear His Holy Word proclaimed and they are responding to the overwhelming convicting power of the Holy Spirit! I can seethe conviction of God on their faces as they reach out to Him with all their hearts! As the men voice their prayer requests, I have the other men to gather around them and lay their hands on them as they pray for them. A number of times, the entire group is gathered around the man being prayed for! This has never happened in my three and one-half years in this place! Prayer still works (Acts 4)! One very young man who was visibly moved wrote on the back of his decision card: “I love you, brother.”

My Lord has revealed to me that many of these men do not understand the Biblical concept of eternal security, so I have explained it to them (John 10:27-30)! Now, I do not see as many men saying that they have been Born Again as I have in the past! They had already made a profession of faith previously! I have discussed Biblical repentance as well as eternal security. This past month two men were Born Again, and twenty-seven men rededicated their lives to their Lord!

A dear man stood to make his prayer request last week and he said: “I just pray that each man in here will love the Lord with all their heart as they should.” Praise the sweet name of the Lord Jesus! That is right from Deuteronomy 6:5! I have been in church all of my life and I have never ever heard such a prayer request! The power of the Holy Spirit spoke through this dear man the entire service! He was a tremendous blessing to me as my Lord spoke to my heart through him! “Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some have unwittingly entertained angels” (Heb. 13:2). Our great God knows what we need when we need it!

Pastor Don Bible of Bible’s Chapel Baptist Church in Midway, TN will host me next Wednesday night, July 12, for the gospel presentation in their Vacation Bible School. Then, on Sunday morning, July 16, Pastor Don has asked me to deliver the Sunday morning message. Pray for boys and girls and their moms and dads to give their hearts to Jesus! On Sunday, July 23, Pastor Justin Randolph of Zion Hill Baptist Church in Sevierville, TN will host me for a gospel presentation! Then, on Sunday, July 30, Pastor David Williams of Trenton Street Baptist Church in Harriman, TN will host me for a gospel presentation to challenge the people that he shepherds to share their faith!

Our great God is still at work during vacation season, and I praise His Holy name (Psalm 121:4)! He has told me that people are still being Born Again through the television broadcast! By His great grace and love, we will work until He comes or calls this soul winner home! You will never know until Heaven just how much your prayers and financial support mean to this passionate soul winner! I would make arrangements to construct an office in the pits of hell, but my Lord will not allow it, so I will plead with people everywhere that He sends me to give their heart to Him before it is eternally too late (Luke 16:27-31)! I love you!

For Souls Forever In Heaven,

Jeffrey L. Harvel

Revelation 20:15


Do You Fear God? (Part 9)


Do You Fear God? (Part 8)