September 2023 Newsletter
The signs of the imminent return of our Lord are all around us! When will He return? Jesus states in Matt. 24:36: “But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but My Father only.” Please pray for this soul winner that I will be leading people to faith in Him when He returns!
What great joy it is when I am blessed to serve alongside pastors who know my heart for spiritually lost souls! Pastor Brian Wilson of First Baptist Church Whitesburg made it very clear to me that his Lord told him to bring me there on Homecoming Sunday, August 13, and he was obedient to his Lord’s marching orders! I delivered the message The Spiritual State of These United States. A precious 15-year-old teenage young lady came forward during the public invitation and gave her heart to the Lord Jesus! What a beautiful scene! Her family is from a state in the north, and Pastor Brian and his family have been faithfully ministering to them! He has already led the grandmother to Jesus and baptized her! Yes, he just recently baptized the teenage young lady!
Pastor Don Bible of Bibles Chapel Baptist Church continues to baptize boys and girls who gave their heart to Jesus during Vacation Bible School in the middle of July! On Sunday morning, he was privileged to baptize his grandson while another brother and sister were baptized by their grandfather! As you recall, two sets of siblings were gloriously saved during VBS and both sets have now been baptized! Praise the sweet name of Jesus (Matthew 18:1-6)!
The leadership of the Acts 2 network has informed me that they will be leaving their current format as they are reworking their network as they look to the future. They will continue to use our broadcast A Date With Destiny. It will be stored in their archives. We know that the gospel is making great inroads through the Christian Television Network as well as through the network of First Baptist Church Morristown via Charter and MUS Fiber.
The power of the living God continues to move at the Jefferson County Jail each Thursday! I had to cancel two weeks this past month as Dr. Covid visited me and we did not have sweet fellowship! HA! By the great grace of my Lord, I was still able to get three visits completed! Your prayers continue to make a powerful difference there as well as in all areas of our work for our Lord! YES, I can feel them and see them in action! Thank you, with every fiber of my being! Two men have been Born Again while sixteen men have rededicated their lives to their Lord!
Many of these men have never been taught to pray, but they are quick learners! You should see them laying their hands on one another and praying! Two weeks ago, I called on a young man to pray whom I had never seen. He stated: “I have never prayed publicly!” He prayed wonderfully, and he gave his heart to Jesus the very same day! On this same day, a man cried the entire service! I could tell that the powerful Holy Spirit was convicting him strongly! I truly felt that he might just fall out in the floor and repent, but he did not! He prayed with me at the close of the service to recommit his life to his Lord! The beautiful look of relief from the heavy burden of sin was radiating all over him!
This past week I stopped at a local restaurant to have lunch after the service at the jail. This same man walked in, and he immediately came to my table. He was elated to see me as he thanked me for assisting him in rededicating his life to his Lord! He had just been released from jail, and he could not get hold of any of his family to come and take him home. I purchased his lunch and took him home! I have never seen anyone as thankful as he was for this divine appointment! Our great God is still in business, and He still leads His servants to the right place at the right time! Praise His Holy name!
The Lord Jesus commands His followers to bear spiritual fruit in John 15! Thank you, with all of my heart, for praying for this soul winner and for standing with this soul winner financially as we bear spiritual fruit together! Believe me when I tell you that your investment is producing eternal rewards! I love you!
For Souls Forever In Heaven,
Jeffrey L. Harvel
Daniel 12:3