October 2023 Newsletter
My Lord always reminds me of His calling upon my life! “To the weak I became as weak, that I might win the weak. I have become all things to all men, that I might by all means save some” (1 Cor. 9:22 NKJV). No one in my sphere of influence should ever go without being told about the love of the Lord Jesus!
Oh, how I would that you could see the power of God moving on the men at the Jefferson County Jail! Your powerful prayers are being answered! Thank you! I am seeing these men pray and literally “pour their hearts out” to their Lord! They have joy and excitement on their faces when they enter the room that they call the church room! Several of these men are exhibiting an unusual depth in Christ that I have not seen since coming here over three years ago! The Holy Spirit is moving very deeply as I have not seen here! They are singing beautifully and powerfully! Men are even asking to lead in public prayer! One young man said: “I always learn something new when you are here.” Another young man said: “Our Lord has met with us today. There is no reason for us to not leave here and move forward for our Lord!” I always tell the men that the desire of my heart is for them to leave the jail and put their past behind them forever and move forward for their Lord! If they see me in public, I want them to come to me and tell me where I know them from and I will buy their family a meal! This has already happened several times! As I was leaving the facility several weeks ago, a young man who had attended the church service was about to be released. He proudly told me that he was going home! He introduced me to his wife, and I hugged their necks, and I gave them the funds to buy their lunch! His wife began to cry tears of great joy! My records show that 2 men gave their hearts to Jesus this past month while 29 men recommitted their lives to their Lord!
My Lord instructed me to begin praying for a new creative website and within less than two weeks, He faithfully provided! Please view the new site at your earliest convenience and let me know what you think (www.winsoulsforjesus.org). Praise His Holy Name!
Pastor Don Bible of Bibles Chapel Baptist Church in Midway, TN continues to baptize children and young people who we have led to faith in the Lord Jesus in their Vacation Bible School! In fact, he has been baptizing them since July! This past Sunday he baptized a young lady who gave her heart to Jesus in the summer of 2022! You can go to their Facebook page and watch each baptism since July! How I praise and thank my Lord for a pastor who will labor faithfully to Biblically baptize and disciple precious boys, girls, men, and women (1 Peter 5:1-4)!
Our great God definitely knows how to encourage His faithful servants! A man recently sent me a personal message through Facebook! He has the New Testament that me, Elmer Daniel, and Tim Sunderland used to lead him to faith in the Lord Jesus on the night of Nov. 18, 1986! He was 12 years old! He even showed me the pictures of our signatures in the New Testament! That will be 37 years next month! Elmer Daniel is with his Lord in Heaven! He taught me as a little boy in Sunday School and he taught me how to lead people to faith in the Lord Jesus in 1984! His life and work will live on forever! Our work for our Lord is never ever in vain (1 Cor. 15:58)! Praise His Holy Name!
On Sunday, Oct. 15, I will deliver the message at Beulah Baptist Church in Mohawk, TN on Pastor Appreciation Sunday as this great church will be honoring their great pastor, John Rogers. A faithful layman from Holston Baptist Church in Knoxville, TN has contacted me about the Born Again flyers! Their church began using the flyers in 2005! They are ready for more!
A large church in a certain city recently voted on whether or not to support homosexuality! On two different occasions this year, I have seen one of the key members in public! On both occasions, he told me that he watches our television broadcast A Date With Destiny. He also told me that he went to see the leaders in his church and in his denomination and he requested that they bring me to their church so that they could learn what the Bible has to say about homosexuality! He said that they just dropped their heads!
This past Saturday I saw a man who played backyard football with me and the youth and college age boys from my home church in the mid 1980’s. He told me that he watches the TV broadcast every week! YES, my Lord has called me “to become all things to all men that I might by all means save some” (1 Cor. 9:22)! I continue to pray and seek the great heart of the living God for new and different ways to lead boys, girls, men, and women to faith in the Lord Jesus! Oh, I need your prayers and financial support now more than ever! Thank you, with every fiber of my being, for standing with this soul winner! I love you!
For Souls Forever In Heaven,
Jeffrey L. Harvel
Daniel 12:3