November 2023 Newsletter
The world appears to be coming strongly against Israel, God’s chosen people! No nation that has ever come against Israel has been successful! The living God promised Abram: “And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed” (Genesis 12:3).
The signs of our Lord’s soon coming return are everywhere! Only God knows when the last person will be Born Again! The Lord Jesus states: “And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come” (Matt. 24:14). A soul winner who feels the Last Days in the depths of his soul should be very passionate for his Lord in winning as many spiritually lost people to his Lord as he possibly can, for he knows that time is rapidly running out!
Three young adults asked me to baptize them in a beautiful mountain stream in another city and I honored their request! It was a most beautiful New Testament scene, one that I shall never forget! I personally led one of them to faith in the Lord Jesus two years ago! These young people are like many young people in America today! They do not come from Bible believing families and they are searching for hope and meaning in their lives! Regular attendance in an organized church setting is a foreign term to them because it has never been an integral part of their lives. Also, they see hypocrisy in the lives of professing Christians due to the fact that the Lord Jesus has delivered them from deep sin. The Jesus that they want is the Jesus of the Bible, not the Jesus of an evangelical culture where men are exalted as God because they pastor a large church! They want the deep truths of the Word of God, not positive self-centered verbiage from a professional huckster who is perverting the Word of God for his personal gain!
The overwhelming power of the living God continues to move mightily on the hearts of the men who come to the church room in the Jefferson County Jail each Thursday! Your prayers are being answered by your great God! The room has been packed nearly every week over the past month! A prayer and testimony meeting literally broke out like I have never seen since coming here over three years ago! We began to pray with our hands on one of the men and the other men began to ask for prayer as we were in a circle. Men began to cry and pray as they publicly confessed their sins to one another! I saw their tears of brokenness hit the floor! Not one man was inattentive! This went on for over forty-five minutes! I just allowed the power of the Holy Spirit to move freely (1 Thess.5:19)!
One man walked in the door and said: “I want to hear from God today! When you are here, it happens!” Several other men said: “We love it when we know that you are coming!” Two very young men were visibly shaken this past Thursday as they heard most of the men singing the great hymns of the faith like I have never heard here! They said, with tears of conviction in their eyes: “We have never heard these songs. We were not raised in a church!” This is what powerful prevailing prayer does for the lives of precious men who are incarcerated! Thank you for praying (Jeremiah 33:3)! One man was Born Again this past month while thirty-five men rededicated their lives to their Lord!
It was an honor to do the memorial service for Mrs. Polly Mayes, a great Christian lady whom I have known for most of my life! I was blessed to grow up with her children. Her family allowed this soul winner to present the life changing message of the gospel! We sang hymns and had testimonies at the graveside! What a beautiful scene! David states in Psalm 16:11: “Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures forevermore.”
On Sunday, November 6, I will be serving alongside Pastor Travis Pierson of Blessed Hope Baptist Church in Kingsport, TN as they begin a revival with a different preacher every night. His preacher for the Sunday services had to cancel and he called Pastor John David Shanks in desperation, and he recommended this soul winner! Our great God makes no mistakes, ever (Daniel 4:34-37)!
We are currently working on getting a podcast going! This will be another excellent tool for this soul winner to use to win people to faith in the Lord Jesus in these evil Last Days in which we are now living! I cannot say thank you enough to the very few precious people who stand with this soul winner! Believe me when I tell you that untold thousands will one day thank you in Heaven! Praise the sweet name of the Lord Jesus! I love you!
For Souls Forever In Heaven,
Jeffrey L. Harvel
1 Cor. 9:22