Life After Death (Part 4)
Jesus died on that CROSS for you and me! He held His arms open wide and said: “For All You Do, My Shed Blood Is Just For You.” Blood is mentioned 460 times in the Bible. Fourteen times in the New Testament Jesus spoke of His own blood. Why? Billy Graham states: “Because by the shedding of His blood, He accomplished the possibility of our salvation. He paid the penalty for our sin and redeemed us, meaning that he bought us back. The penalty for our sin and rebellion is death. Jesus stepped out of heaven and said: ‘I’ll take that death.’ He voluntarily laid down His life and took the penalty we deserve. That’s what the Cross is all about. The blood of Jesus Christ not only redeems us, it justifies us. Being justified means more than being forgiven. I can say that I forgive you, but I can’t justify you. God not only forgives the past, He clothes you in righteousness as though you had never committed a sin. Yet, it cost the blood of His Son on the CROSS.” When D.L. Moody, the great evangelist, was dying, he looked up to heaven and said: “Earth is receding; heaven is opening. This is my coronation day.”