February 2025 Newsletter

February 4, 2025

What value does the living God place on a lost soul? The Lord Jesus states: “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking beautiful pearls, who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had and bought it” (Matt. 13:45-46 NKJV). One lost soul is worth everything to our Lord! One person who has salvation will be willing to give all they have to possess it!

What great joy to serve in one of the most powerfully anointed and Spirit-filled churches that I have ever been in my life! Pastor Don Humphrey started River of Life Baptist Church in Piney Flats, TN thirty-three years ago! He is a passionate soul winner himself! As he opened the service, he stated from the pulpit, “We had a goal of winning 52 lost people to Jesus in 2024 and God gave us 102 salvations! Thirty-three men have been called to preach since this church’s founding! I have never seen a pastor do this in nearly 33 years of full-time evangelism! As the people greeted us, I could see and feel the love of Jesus in them and through them! They are madly and passionately in love with the Lord Jesus! The choir sang as I have not heard since I was a boy at Calvary Baptist Church in Morristown with Pastor Carl Triplett! People were shouting praises to their Lord all over the place! Kim and I were taken aback! I was so broken when I went into the pulpit that I could hardly speak! I was overwhelmed with the powerful anointing of the Holy Spirit! Message title: The Sin unto Death. Text: 1 John 5:16-17. Three people recommitted their lives!

The overwhelming power of the Holy Spirit continues to move on the hearts of the men in the Jefferson County Jail! Your powerful prayers are being answered! Praise His Holy Name! To see and hear these precious men pray and sing is a sight to behold! I always ask if anyone has anything to say before we dismiss the service. An older man said: “I have a song to sing!” He sang the great Ethel Waters song: His Eye Is on The Sparrow, with tears streaming down his beautiful face! It was beautiful! The men applauded their brother as they were touched! A young man came to me after everyone had gone and he said: “Brother Jeff, I have been in and out of this place over the past five years that you have been coming here. The Lord told me today that if I do not start living right, He will take me out of here!”

It is amazing to see how our Lord brings the men into the church service at the jail when He wants them there! I saw the church room packed when my Lord had me proclaim a strong evangelistic message! I recently had a first at the jail! The room was packed, and the men had a good prayer and singing time. My Lord had me deliver the message: How to Die Before Your Time. Text: 1 John 5:16-17. I was halfway through the message when three men got up and walked out! Another man began to laugh, and I corrected him, and he got up and walked out! You could have heard a pin drop on that hard floor! The men became very quiet as the holiness of the living God was in the place! Eight men rededicated their lives! Three men stayed to speak with me after everyone left! Two of them were crying from the conviction of the Holy Spirit! I counseled them for close to an hour! One man wrote these words on his Decision card: “Powerful Message.” The gospel can still break the hardest of hearts (Heb. 4:12)! In only three meetings this past month, one man was Born Again while eighteen men rededicated their lives! The jail will be closed to volunteers for the month of February.

On Wednesday morning, Feb.5, I will share the gospel with the FCA chapter at Lincoln Heights Middle School in Morristown. On Sunday morning, Feb. 23, I will be proclaiming the gospel at Shady Grove Church in Dandridge, TN where Jason McIntosh is the pastor. Please pray that the conviction of the Holy Spirit will go before me, with me, and after me and that spiritually lost people will give their heart to Jesus! I am meeting and talking with faithful servants about assisting them in their part of the world in the coming months! I am also talking with people about the song my Lord gave me, Let Jesus Set You Free. Please pray that the living God will put it all together in His time and in His way!

With all my heart, thank you for standing with me as I endeavor to reach as many spiritually lost people as I can while I can! The gospel still works when we work! I love you!

For Souls Forever In Heaven,

Jeffrey L. Harvel

John 9:4


Life After Death (Part 4)