January 2025 Newsletter

January 7, 2025

Happy New Year! May the living God of Heaven and earth have mercy on my transformed soul if I do not bear more spiritual fruit in 2025! In John 15:16 the Lord Jesus states: “You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain, that whatever you ask the Father in My name He may give you.”

On Saturday morning, October 28, 2023, my Lord moved on me as strongly as He has ever moved on me! He said: “Son, I have a song that I want you to write for Me!”  I wrote as fast as He gave it to me! The song is titled: Let Jesus Set You Free. It tells the story of my dad being by my side on a hot summer’s night in 1965 when I gave my heart to JESUS! By the great grace of our great God, Kim and I have gotten the song written and copyrighted and ready to go out into the marketplace of this spiritually lost world!  Trinity Baptist Church in Knoxville, TN debuted the song on Sunday morning, December 15, 2024, and they did an excellent job!  A special thank you to Dee and Tim Headrick for leading this great choir! You can view their singing the song at Trinity Baptist Church | Video with their choir singing Let Jesus Set You Free.  If the link doesn’t work, go to trinitychurchkarns.org, go to the Extra tab and click on Video.  Scroll down to the 12/15/24 service, The Christmas Miracle, and fast forward to 21:36 in the video to see the choir sing this beautiful, new song. 

I have prayed daily, and I continue to pray daily that untold billions will literally be swept into my Lord’s everlasting kingdom through my life and the lives of my descendants, and He is hearing and answering me! Praise His Holy Name (Jeremiah 33:3)!  I continue to share stories of changed lives everywhere that my Lord sends me!  One man from the Jefferson County Jail is already out in the harvest fields for his Lord! He has been to the mountains of western North Carolina twice working with teams from across America as they search for missing persons from the flood! His pastor, Charles Brewer, told me last week that he is singing in the church choir as he is growing rapidly in his walk with his Lord! He came to his pastor and told him that he needed nice clothes to wear to church. They prayed and the next day one of the laymen from the church walked into the pastor’s office and said: “Pastor, my Lord has told me to bring these clothes to you. Do you know of anyone who needs them?” The pastor said: “Yes I do, brother” (Psalm 37:25)! Pastor Charles said that this dear man looks very handsome with his new clothes as he lifts his voice to praise his Lord in the choir! 

This past month six men gave their heart to Jesus at the Jefferson County Jail while seventeen men rededicated their lives to their Lord!  Oh, how your powerful passionate prayers are making a great difference in that very dark place! One week the officer came into the church room as I was placing chairs and asked: “Brother Harvel, how many men do you want in here from this cell block?” (This has never happened, so I knew what was about to happen!) I said: “As many as want to come!” He said: “Are you sure?” I said: “Yes sir!” He opened the door, and they just kept coming! The message that my Lord had told me to deliver was The Knowledge of Salvation. We had already experienced a powerful prayer time! Three men were gloriously saved, and eight men recommitted their lives! Our great God never makes any mistakes! 

A young man from another country has been coming to the church service for some time. He has given his heart to his Lord, and he is growing as a new believer! I called on him to pray out loud during the prayer time in his own language and it was powerful! Men are crying tears of repentance and shaking their heads as they say: “Man, the Lord is in here today!”  I tell them that a great group of people are praying for them! 

One of the men spoke loudly as we began the prayer time: “Brother Harvel, I was in here in October and I requested prayer for one of my dear loved ones. No sooner had I gotten back to my cell that I heard from my loved one through three different avenues!”  With tears in his eyes, he said: “These men laid their hands on me and prayed, and I saw God answer it immediately!” On this same day, three young men who I had never seen were in attendance. They listened attentively and participated in the service. I could see that the Holy Spirit was moving on them! I always close out the service by leading them to pray to be Born Again and then to recommit their life to their Lord. I do not want to embarrass them publicly, so I ask them to pray with me silently. One of these young men was under such strong conviction that he prayed out loud! He and his friend were gloriously saved while the other young man rededicated his life! 

People stop me on the streets to let me know that they watch the television broadcast!  Only our Lord knows just how many are being Born Again on a weekly basis!  He recently said to me that at least five people are being saved each week, not counting the men who are saved at the jail!  The lost masses are not in a church building! That is why the living God calls men to do the work of the evangelist!  The world is my pulpit!  I distributed marked New Testaments with a Christmas bookmark that I designed to the employees of the Jefferson County Jail as well as to two different businesses as my Lord directed His servant during the Christmas season. 

Thank you, with all of my heart, for standing with this passionate soul winner! I will be with Pastor Donnie Humphrey at River of Life Baptist Church in Piney Flats, TN on Sunday, Jan. 19. JESUS could return this year, and I pray that He will find this servant winning lost people to Him in the marketplace of this world! I appreciate and love you! 

For Souls Forever In Heaven,

Jeffrey L. Harvel

I Timothy 2:3-4


Life After Death (Part 4)


Life After Death (Part 3)