July 2024 Newsletter

The great song says: “Oh for a thousand tongues to sing My great Redeemer’s praise, the glories of my God and King, the triumphs of His praise!” If this soul winner had a thousand tongues, I could not praise His Holy name enough!  Only He can do what He is doing through this powerful work of soul winning and all of the glory, honor, and praise goes to Him and to Him alone! “I am the Lord, that is My name; and My glory I will not give to another, nor My praise to carved images” (Isaiah 42:8 NKJV).

I have been teaching Mt. Zion Baptist Church in Rogersville, TN since the end of last year on Wednesday nights all that my Lord has taught me about soul winning in my life of 67 years! The leadership allowed me to assist them in their Vacation Bible School. I used the Candle Illustration with each age group and they literally “hung on my every word from The Word”! Five precious boys and girls gave their young hearts to the Lord Jesus! Teachers were crying tears of great joy as the children raised their hands that they had prayed with me to ask Jesus in their hearts! They watched me do the follow-up with each child.  They rejoiced with the Heavenly Hosts as they learned that they can lead lost people to faith in the Lord Jesus themselves (2 Tim. 2:1-2)!

Pastor John Rogers of Beulah Baptist Church in Mohawk, TN has officially retired, but his life and work for his Lord continues powerfully!  How so very thankful I am for very creative schoolteachers who do VBS the way that VBS should be done! He gave this soul winner the awesome privilege to share the gospel at their VBS! Under the mighty leadership of the Holy Spirit, I used the Candle Illustration once again, and six boys and girls gave their hearts to Jesus!  It is rare that my Lord allows His servant to physically see Him moving, but it is a great joy when He does! A young college student listened and watched me very intently! Before I could finish the gospel presentation, I saw the power of the living God move on her so strongly that she shook! It was like a mighty and powerful “lightning bolt” came down from the throne room of the living God and touched her young life! Immediately, she began to cry deeply and uncontrollably from deep conviction!  The young people were looking at her because they could not understand what was happening to her! The young lady seated next to her wrapped her loving arms around her! I told the young people that it is ok because the Lord is moving! I led them in the sinner’s prayer, and she and others prayed with me! She was still crying when we finished the follow-up with all of them!  Now, that is a powerful and deep move of the living God! She went to her grandparents’ home afterwards to tell them what had happened in her young life and her grandmother told me that she was still crying!  This past Sunday, Pastor John Rogers baptized her into the fellowship of Beulah Baptist Church!  What a beautiful and glorious scene!  A dear layman in his late 30’s surrendered to his Lord’s call on his life to proclaim the glorious gospel message!

A man who was Born Again at the Jefferson County Jail several months ago when I proclaimed the gospel was baptized into the fellowship of Lebanon Baptist Church in Talbott, TN by Pastor Charles Brewer! Pastor Charles told me that as he came out of the water his hands were raised over his head and he said: “Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!”  The power of God was moving so strongly in the service that a young mother in her 20’s was gloriously saved!

A young teenage boy surrendered to his Lord’s call on his life at the Concord Baptist Church Youth Revival on June 1 when I proclaimed the gospel there!  Pastor Don Bible of Bibles Chapel Baptist Church in Midway, TN has informed me that he came before his church the following Sunday to announce that he has been called by his Lord to proclaim the glorious gospel message!

This past month in the Jefferson County Jail two men have been Born Again while twenty-two men have rededicated their lives to their Lord! Oh, I would that you could see the power of Almighty God move in this place like a mighty rushing wind! It is truly a spiritual sight to behold! You could actually feel the power of the Holy Spirit sweeping through the room!  We sang the great hymn of the faith, “The Old Rugged Cross,” and a very young man who was standing right in front of me began to cry! Tears were streaming down his handsome young face!  After we finished singing the last verse, he raised his hand and asked if he could speak.  He said: “Brother, can we sing that last verse again? ‘The Old Rugged Cross’ was one of my favorite songs growing up in church. I got far away from the Lord and He has chastised me. That is why I am in here. Pray that when I get out, I will live for the Lord the way that I used to live for Him.”  His testimony set the stage for one of the best church services I have been involved with in over four years! Men were crying as they laid their hands on one another and prayed for one another!  This group of men were more spiritually attentive than any group in my four years here!  Your powerful prayers are being answered!

Nothing is impossible with our great God (Luke 1:37)! He is just waiting to answer the prayers of His people that untold billions will be swept into His everlasting kingdom through His faithful and passionate soul winner because He does not want anyone to live forever in the place called HELL (Matt. 18:14)! With every fiber of my being, thank you for standing with me!  I love you!

 For Souls Forever In Heaven,

 Jeffrey L. Harvel

Daniel 12:3


Do You Fear God? (Part 18)


Do You Fear God? (Part 17)