November 2024 Newsletter
Proverbs 22:6 (NKJV) states: “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.” How so very thankful that I am for all of the faithful servants that my Lord has placed in my life since I was born! Each of them has made a specific contribution to my personal growth in Christ! Coach Don McDonald was one of my great football coaches from 1971-’75 at Morristown Hamblen High School West! He, as well as all of my coaches, loved their Lord and instilled in us a tremendous work ethic along with the desire to stay faithful and never ever quit no matter how great the odds are against us! We called him Coach Mac and he was a rare breed of intelligence, grit, and stamina! His sons, David and Mark, had me speak at his recent memorial service. A number of the men who played football and ran track for Coach Mac were in attendance. They allowed me to publicly tell of Coach Mac’s impact in their lives! Yes! I even told of his impact on my life! I will miss times of deep fellowship with him over the past 15 years and I will, by the great grace of my Lord, continue to labor night and day to get him and his precious wife, Miss Emily, plenty of company in Heaven! I love you Coach Mac!
The young dentist, Dr. Garrett Salansky, has a great heart for his Lord! On October 1, he hosted a dental clinic at La Gran Commission Church in Morristown where Israel Perez is the faithful pastor. He invited me to share the gospel. He ministered to their teeth while I led them to the only ONE who could change their heart, the Lord Jesus! A young man assisted me as my interpreter, and he did an excellent job as we shared the glorious gospel message using the EvangeCube with two precious people. Both of them accepted the Lord Jesus as their Savior and Lord! The great laity from this church worked right out of my back pocket! It was, as it always is, a beautiful scene!
Pastor John Rogers of Beulah Baptist Church in Mohawk, TN baptized the man who I told you about in last month’s newsletter. He met me in the Jefferson County Jail and then was gloriously saved a few days later when I gave the public invitation at Beulah Baptist Church! Our great God knows exactly when and where to place His faithful servants! Praise His Holy Name!
Kyler Seals, who surrendered to preach at the youth event sponsored by Concord Baptist Church on June 1 when I proclaimed the gospel, preached his first sermon at his home church of Bibles Chapel Baptist Church on Sunday, October 6! Kyler is only 15 years of age! He has his whole life to live for his Lord and to be His Holy mouthpiece!
When loving, quality, Spirit-filled pastors and their laity work with this soul winner, their church is edified, meaning built-up, and the body of Christ on earth grows; thus advancing the great kingdom of our great God!
A local businessman recently spoke with me at a high school football game. He stated: “I do not see you in town to talk to you, but I do watch you on television. You have a fine ministry.” I told him: “I am a soul winner! If my Lord would allow me to do so, I would set up an office in the pits of HELL!” He said: “You just never know who is watching.”
The recent catastrophic floods and hurricanes are unbelievable, but, by the great grace of our great God, we are seeing people come to faith in the Lord Jesus! Some people’s eyes are being opened! The living God is getting their attention and that is exactly what He is trying to do! Isaiah 48:10-11 (NKJV) states: “Behold, I have refined you, but not as silver; I have tested you in the furnace of affliction. For My own sake, for My own sake, I will do it; For how should My name be profaned? And I will not give My glory to another.” I am seeing a deeper hunger for the Lord and His Holy Word in the Jefferson County Jail during the past month that I have not seen in the past four years! I can tell that these men are shaken by these massive storms! Many of these dear men are very broken spiritually! Men who have been coming into the church service for a period of time are stepping forward and praying publicly! They are telling me that they want a deeper and closer walk with their Lord! Their tears of brokenness and repentance are flowing freely! They are tired of living defeated lives! On one Thursday, every man in attendance prayed publicly! The Holy Spirit is moving very deeply here, and I know that it is a direct answer to your prayers as I go into this spiritually dark place each week! With all my heart, thank you!
A man who can barely speak English has come to faith in the Lord Jesus in the jail during the past year. He stated, in broken English, this past Thursday. “I have been coming here to church for a year. Christ has changed my heart. I have love and peace that I did not have. I look forward to coming here each week. It encourages me.” Another man spoke up and said the very same thing! The former inmate that I told you about last month who went to the mountains of western North Carolina to participate in a search and rescue mission has notified me that he is going back there once again as his Lord has directed his heart! This past month two men have been Born Again while thirty-three men have rededicated their lives to their Lord!
This work of soul winning is all about Changed Lives! Thank you for praying and for sharing! For over 40 years I have carried a card in my wallet that states: “God’s Will. Nothing More. Nothing Less. Nothing Else!” I love you!
For Souls Forever In Heaven,
Jeffrey L. Harvel
1 Samuel 15:22