October 2024 Newsletter
When the living God decides to turn on the water faucets of Heaven, He does it in a powerful way! Only He knows why! Psalm 115:3 (NKJV) states: “But our God is in heaven; He does whatever He pleases.” The destruction is beyond description! Everything that is dear and near to us can be gone in an instant, even our lives! James 4:13-14 (NKJV) states: “Come now, you who say, ‘Today or tomorrow we will go to such and such a city, spend a year there, buy and sell, and make a profit’; whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away.” If this suffering does not break your heart, your heart cannot be broken! Please pray and assist those suffering as your Lord leads you!
Through a series of events, this passionate soul winner was recommended to Pastor Brandon Cate of Leadvale Baptist Church in White Pine, TN for their Homecoming service at the last minute! It is always so very encouraging when the last choice is always God’s first choice! Leadvale Baptist Church is 173 years old! I have never been here in my life! Message: Life After Death. Text: Rev. 20:11-15. Deep conviction was experienced by all in attendance, but no one came forward during the public invitation! One layman stated: “You could have heard a pin drop on the carpet!” Precious people came to me after the service to thank me! I met a dear lady who was in my dad’s and Doty Laster’s Sunday School class when she was 12 years old! This was over 65 years ago! She told me that she still has a Bible that they gave to her! I met another lady who had gone on mission trips with my dad over 30 years ago! How I praise my Lord for my family’s spiritual legacy (Psalm 112)!
Approximately three years ago, an adolescent young boy rededicated his life to his Lord when I shared the gospel at Vacation Bible School at Bibles Chapel Baptist Church in Midway, TN where Don Bible is the pastor. This past June 1 at the youth revival sponsored by Pastor Larry Jones and Concord Baptist Church this same young man surrendered to his Lord’s call on his life when I was once again privileged to proclaim the glorious gospel message! This young man is now 15 years of age, and he was to preach his first sermon this past Sunday at his home church of Bibles Chapel Baptist Church, but due to the flooding the service was cancelled! His name is Kyler Seals, and I have spoken to him and prayed with him over the phone! I have also given him an excellent resource to help him kick-start his work for his Lord! What great joy to see the visible spiritual fruit of my labors in the harvest fields (John 15)!
Only the living God can bring His servants and His church together in very creative and unique ways! I greeted the men at the Jefferson County Jail a few weeks ago and one of the men said as he was choking back tears: “You know me. I know you from Beulah Baptist Church.” He then told me his name and the name of his employer who is also a member of Beulah Baptist Church in Mohawk, TN. He hung on every word from the message: Don’t Stop Praying! He looked as if he would just lay down on the floor and weep! As he was leaving, he said: “Tell everyone at Beulah Baptist Church that I love them.” I then told him that I would be proclaiming the gospel there on Sunday morning! I delivered my Lord’s message titled: The Call Of The Pastor. As the public invitation began, the chairman of deacons was praying at the altar, and I knelt beside him to pray with him. As soon as we stood up, the man from the jail was standing there! I was shocked to see him out of jail and at church! He was under very strong conviction! He said: “I want to surrender my life to my Lord!” The chairman of deacons and I started to lead him in a prayer of surrender, and He just took off and prayed one of the most beautiful prayers from his heart that I have ever heard in my life! Glory Be! I saw the awesome power of God move on him mightily! After he prayed, he said: “I do not know what people said to me when I thought that I was saved as a boy, but I believe that I have truly been saved! If you men would have it in your heart, could I get baptized!” The chairman of deacons brought him before the church, and they enthusiastically voted to allow him to be baptized! I wish that you could have witnessed the church family greet him! As he was leaving the worship center, he said to me: “Please don’t stop going into the jail. These men need to hear you!” He requested that retired pastor John Rogers baptize him, but the flooding this past weekend prevented it! As soon as the church doors reopen, he will be baptized!
A man recently came to speak with Kim and me at a local restaurant! He said: “I watch you on television! You are a solid man! Thank you for your faithfulness to the Word of God!” He was ecstatic, to say the least! He encouraged us greatly! Another man recently messaged me: “Jeff, just watched one of your sermons on RETV. Keep on standing true to the Word as you do. Luv u brother.”
The men at the Jefferson County Jail continue to grow in their walk with their Lord! Many of them are now praying publicly and singing from their heart! One man testified that coming to the “church room” makes a difference in his life! Many men come into the room with a smile on their face stating: “We look forward to coming to seeing you! You encourage us! We know that when you hug us and tell us that you love us that you mean it!” They are testifying of the goodness of God in their lives and of His answering their prayers! Two men recently said that they are glad that God has allowed them to be in jail for it has changed their lives! They sang the great old hymn, “Nothing But The Blood” as beautifully as I have ever heard! Of course, new men come into the room each week. I recently asked for someone to open the service in prayer and a young man prayed deeply and passionately: “Lord, we all need you today! I need you today! Please bring my family and these men out of this pit of despair. Please give us the hope that we need.” His prayer set the stage for the entire service! Twenty-seven men have rededicated their lives to their Lord this past month!
I have prayed and I continue to pray passionately that my Lord will save, challenge, convict, encourage, equip, and call people into His service everywhere that He sends me, and He is doing just that! It is for Him that I labor! Not for any other reason than that He has called me into His service as a New Testament evangelist! With all of my heart, thank you for your prayers and financial support! Oh, how our great God is hearing and answering you! I love you!
For Souls Forever In Heaven,
Jeffrey L. Harvel
1 Cor. 9:19-23