March 2024 Newsletter
Can you imagine the look of horror and disbelief on the face of people when they stand before the Lord Jesus and hear Him say: “Depart from Me, you cursed, into the everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels” (Matt. 25:41 NKJV). Oh, my! To know that you squandered any and every opportunity to become a Christian and it is too late!
Deacon Kevin Gentry of Mt. Zion Baptist Church in Rogersville, TN took me to visit an 80-year-old man on Valentine’s Night whose family believed that he was not ready to meet his Lord! My heart has been burdened for this dear man! He received us with tears in his eyes and he allowed me to go through the plan of salvation with him as his tears flowed down his rosy cheeks! He believed that he had made a profession of faith as a child, but, on this night, he prayed, and his Lord gave him the assurance that he has truly been Born Again! Oh, how I wish that you could have seen him lay his hand on Romans 10:13 “For whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.” He is a private and shy man so please pray with us that he will move forward for baptism!
My Lord has instructed me to teach His people at Mt. Zion Baptist Church in Rogersville, TN on Wednesday nights how to share their faith! They are learning how to give their personal testimony. Giving your personal testimony is the greatest witness that you can give to anyone! Two deacons and several ladies have done an excellent job in publicly sharing their personal testimonies! You can tell that they are under very strong conviction to speak for their Lord! We had gathered around the altar to pray for their Lord to send them a solid Bible believing soul winning pastor and I said: “Before we pray, does anyone have a word from their Lord?” A precious lady immediately spoke with great passion and tears! “I have got to give my testimony before I bust!” She told of how she had been raised in an abusive alcoholic home. She begged her mom and dad to take her to church as a little girl and they refused! She knew that the Holy Spirit was drawing her to Jesus! Because her parents refused to take her to church, she went out into the world system. But her great God refused to give up on her! She finally gave her heart to Him at the age of 21 and was baptized in the dead of winter outdoors! She is madly and passionately in love with the Lord Jesus!
The loving family of Marguerite Harris gave this servant the honor of sharing the glorious gospel message at her memorial service! Her husband, Jimmie, told me to give a clear presentation of the gospel and I did! Just as I began to share the plan of salvation, the Holy Spirit moved on me very strongly! I even led the people to pray the sinner’s prayer with me publicly! A precious child raised their hand that they had prayed with me to ask Jesus in their heart! I did not know most of the people in attendance, so I was on the mission field while honoring the life of one of our Lord’s faithful servants!
Public school teacher, Dr. Amie Rumph, recently invited this soul winner to share the gospel at the Fellowship of Christian Athletes morning meeting at Lincoln Heights Middle School in Morristown, TN. I used the excellent tract, “More Life,” and the young people in attendance participated in the gospel presentation! Twenty-five students were there! None of them indicated on their decision card that they had prayed to be Born Again, but six students came to the table where I had placed the New Believer’s New Testaments and took one with them! One of the young men in attendance came to me as he was leaving and stated: “I felt the Holy Spirit moving all through this room as you were talking!” Another student stated: “I loved having you at FCA this morning!! You started my morning off wonderfully and you had a great talk with us in a short amount of time! I hope you can come again sometime.”
The Jefferson County Jail was only able to host this soul winner on two Thursdays and one Wednesday this past month, but we were blessed to witness nine men rededicate their lives to their Lord! Men are praying publicly who have never prayed in public! I look at them as I call on them to pray and they know how much that I love them, and they never ever say: “Not me today!” I am teaching them that they have as much privilege to pray as I do because the ground is level at the foot of the CROSS (Matt. 27:51)!
Ziggy Greenheart is a long-haul truck driver from Oklahoma. He came in contact with our How To Be Born Again flyers! He is now distributing them from coast to coast! He was in this area last week and I was blessed to get to meet with him for fellowship and prayer! Ziggy told me that he knows that God has called him to distribute tracts everywhere that he goes, and he does it with great wisdom! He knows exactly where to place them! YES! I gave him plenty to take with him on his travels! Pray for my brother, Ziggy, as he witnesses from coast to coast!
Last December I told you the story of leading a 66-year-old man to faith in the Lord Jesus in the church field of Blessed Hope Baptist Church in Kingsport, TN where Travis Pierson is the pastor. I recently spoke with Pastor Travis via text, and he told me that this dear man has come down with cancer and he has not been able to be baptized! Do you think for one minute that our great God did not know that this man would be diagnosed with cancer not long after we led him to faith in the Lord Jesus? Amazing Grace is still amazing (Ephesians 2:8-9)!
As you can see, your prayers that the convicting power of the Holy Spirit will go before me, with me, and after me are being answered! One of my life verses is 1 Cor. 9:22. The Apostle Paul states: “I have become all things to all men, that I might by all means save some.”
A lady who has known me for over 50 years recently commented: “I love your posts!” She was speaking about Facebook! Thank you for standing with this soul winner as I strive to lead spiritually lost people to the saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus! I love and appreciate you!
For Souls Forever In Heaven,
Jeffrey L. Harvel
Luke 19:10