April 2024 Newsletter

Oh, what great joy to see the hand of the living God move in great power!  He can shut a door that no man can open, and He can open a door that no man can shut! The Lord Jesus states in Rev.3:7-8 (NKJV) “And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write; These things says He who is holy, He who is true, He who has the key of David, He who opens and no one shuts, and shuts and no one opens: I know your works.  See, I have set before you an open door, and no one can shut it; for you have a little strength, have kept My word, and have not denied my name.” Oh, YES! Praise His Holy Name!

A former inmate at the Jefferson County Jail messaged me on Easter Sunday morning as we were leaving to proclaim the gospel at Mt. Zion Baptist Church in Rogersville, TN. “Mr. Harvel, I want to thank GOD for you and the ministry you brought to me in Jefferson County Jail. It was absolutely the best thing that happened to me, and I am eternally grateful through Christ for you and Chief Oaks. This day, Easter, is truly the heart of ALL hope and I know the PEACE that surpasses all earthly understanding.  Trying to find a church in Jefferson City, any suggestions.  I got to go and buy a pair of pants. Nothing I had fits after gaining 35 lbs.”  I referred him to a church, and he went!  The pastor messaged me to thank me for sending him there!

Our great God has His ways of letting us know that we are bearing real spiritual fruit for Him, especially when He speaks through His people (John 15:1-17)! A dear man came up to me in a restaurant and asked: “Are you Brother Harvel who I watch on TV? I replied: “Yes sir. I sure am.” He asked: “Will you pray for my granddaughter and her baby in the hospital?” I replied: “I will be honored.” I put my arm around this precious, humble, and kind man right there in that restaurant and I prayed for his granddaughter and her unborn child!  A successful attorney who was and is one of my childhood heroes recently stated publicly: “You are one of my favorite TV preachers!”  A man who went all the way through grade school and high school with my brother said to me in a local store: “I watch you every Sunday morning!  Those are powerful messages!” Proverbs 27:2 (NKJV) states: “Let another man praise you, and not your own mouth; A stranger, and not your own lips.”

A dear lady, Penny, who gave her heart to Jesus in a soul winning clinic over 20 years ago, is growing in her work for her Lord and she has requested the How To Be Born Again flyers in Florida!  Miss Janice, who is a powerful soul winner in Knoxville, has received several thousand of the How To Be Born Again flyers through the years and requested that they be sent to her friend, Mary, who is 101 yrs. of age!  Mary is also a very passionate soul winner!  Mary discipled Janice many years ago and they are still winning spiritually lost people to faith in the Lord Jesus! Glory Be!

At Mt. Zion Baptist Church in Rogersville, TN on Wednesday night, I have been teaching them about the importance of winning spiritually lost people to faith in the Lord Jesus and they are learning and growing!  My Lord gave me this saying: “You grow as you go, and you sow as you go.” People are publicly testifying about witnessing to people in their daily activities!  One of the ladies drives a school bus and she gave a powerful testimony of witnessing to a female student who is being abused!  The Holy Spirit directed this young lady to speak out and she did, and the abuse has stopped!  Another lady witnessed to a lady in a wheelchair in the grocery store!  Another lady testified about the joy of being able to clean her church! She stated: “I can feel the love of the Lord in this building! Look, the hairs on my arms are standing straight up!  The power of the Holy Spirit is all over me!”  We learned about Jesus’ teachings in The Parable Of The Sower from Matthew 13.  As we closed in prayer, Kevin, the chairman of deacons, prayed that people would be saved all over the church field.  His wife, Miranda, walked past me and whispered that I needed to talk to two sisters, ages 9 and 12, who were with her.  The 12 yr. old was already a believer, but her little sister was ready to become a child of God!  What a beautiful scene to witness her pray and ask Jesus in her little heart!  Miranda has already presented these precious girls with a beautiful new Bible with their names engraved on the front cover!  Kevin has been on outreach with me in their church field and he was powerfully touched by his Lord!  This happens when the Holy Spirit is being poured out!

The men at the Jefferson County Jail are hearing from the living God!  I can see your powerful prayers in action each week!  This past month 4 men have been Born Again while 24 men have recommitted their lives to their Lord! One week an older man was seated directly to my left. He was a man’s man in stature, and he was under very strong conviction! I could see brokenness on his face and sadness in his tear-filled eyes. As I dismissed the men, he immediately came to me and laid his head on my shoulder and grabbed me and hugged me!  I could feel him crying in the depths of his soul! He hugged me so intently that I thought he would break me in half!

These dear men are experiencing the power of God in their lives!  Men who have never prayed in their lives are stepping forward to pray publicly!  One man came to me and said: “My son is here with me today.”  I thought that he was joking until I arrived home and looked at the decision cards!  Both of them checked on their decision card that they had been Born Again!  I can see a very humble and meek spirit on the faces of many of these men as they enter the church room!  The only way to explain it is that my Lord’s people are passionately praying!

With all of my heart, thank you for standing with this passionate soul winner as I labor to fulfill my Lord’s Great Commission!  Please join me in praying that untold billions of spiritually lost people will literally be swept into our Lord’s everlasting kingdom through my life and the lives of my descendants!  I appreciate and love you more than you will ever know!

For Souls Forever In Heaven,

Jeffrey L. Harvel

Matthew 24:14

P.S. Please be praying for the First Priority of McDonald School in Green County on Wednesday morning April 17.  I will be sharing the gospel with them!


Do You Fear God? (Part 15)


Do You Fear God? (Part 14)